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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Motivation is really important

Motivation is a important thing that we have to have, so we can accomplish our goals with the best of us. Sometimes it can be hard to find it, why ? simple because we are tired, sore, sick all those things affect us and our performance at the gym.

Where can I find motivation ?

There are a lot of sources to find it, but the most important one is your mind. You have to think about what you want and what need to be accomplish every day, what are your goals. Sometimes in my free time I just go to YouTube and start browsing for motivational videos, there are tons of videos in there.

My favorite video :


"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful" 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Stretch Before You Work Out

Why should I stretch before working out ?

Well a lot of people don't know about this or they just don't want to do it, this is a common mistake among people at the gym. Stretching before work out is really important, it can prevent injuries and a lot of stuff related to that.

I often see this happen among  teenagers, they enter into the gym and go directly to a set or what ever they do. I just think if they realize that can lead to bad news, but sometimes they don't listen to advices.

Different types of stretching


There are a lot of benefits, the one and most important is that by stretching brings blood supply to our tissues. It make our muscles to be ready for a working set, also it provide flexibility, prevent injuries.


If you don't stretch before you work out , this would lead to a bad workout and it will decrease your performance. For example, if you want to do a max for Bench Press you wouldn't get your 100% on this. Why ? because you didn't stretch, your muscles aren't ready for this big impact. Also your muscles will feel sore at the end of your workout, it may result in cramps or even worst injuries.

In conclusion

Please stretch before you work out, not only to prevent injuries but also to give your 100% on every working set you have.

Well people this was another post, I hope you enjoy it and like I said my next posts will be about diet, workouts, tips of how to lose weight quickly without any magic product or killing your self every day at the gym.

Hello people

First post of this new blog

Well people I'm starting this blog, with the only reason to help people out really how ?

By providing people with useful tips of how to lose weight, with the best workouts that exist.

Wait so you're like the other people that will lie to us and make us buy unsafely products ?

No wait Jose, I'll never make somebody buy anything that is not useful to lose weight you can be sure about that. I hate when people do that to people when they are only searching for good stuff.

What's make this blog different from the others ?

Well first of all, I will only provide useful diets, workouts, tips to help you all in this struggle of losing weight.

Here is a really good image some kind of motivation to start this first post :

You are the creator of your own destiny

Thanks for your time, I really appreciate it see y'all until next post